I vowed never to surf again. But when you are looking for reliable programs, and they turn out to be surfs, what's a man to do? Right. Be a man, and surf :-)
The first one I added was
Alvarosurf. The reason is that the Admin, Dennis, not only has a great reputation in the field, but also I personally had a few chats with him and he seems to be a no-nonsense guy, aimed at getting results. And I like that. So - I'm surfing
Alvaro everyday, and I already have been handsomely paid twice. Payouts are done 48 hours after expiry like clockwork.
Surf2Sawa was added to my portfolio. All the forums and blogs are raving about it so I dumped a small amount into it. I'm still not at breakeven but so far it's looking good.
Last but not least I took a shot at
MegaLido. Everyone and their grandmother is in that one, and they are doing great promotion all over the internet. So I thought it's safe for a few rounds. My first round got paid within a few hours, and I got a mid-3 figure spend in now.
Of all of these,
Alvarosurf is my favorite, because I trust the Admin and the returns are good. They have a non-surf plan too, by the way, but it takes longer to get the returns. So better surf those few sites and get paid more, because that is what we're here for, right?