donderdag 7 augustus 2008

New plans in SAinvest

Just opened: 100% profit in 25 days. In addition to the existing 50% in 15days plan, this is another option with SAinvestments. Ok, there's a 5 day plan giving 10% profit, but nobody is doing that. That one is only 2% per day, and the other existing plan is 3.333333% per day. The new one is 4% per day.

Now, if you compound the 15 day plan for 30 days, and average it out, you get 4.16666% per day. That's more, but it takes 5 more days. So which is the better plan? Let's fire up Excel.

If you invest and compound $100 for 150 days in the new 25 day plan, you need to run 6 rounds. $100 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = $6400.
If you invest and compound $100 for 150 days in the old 15 day plan, you need to run 10 rounds. $100 * 1,5 * 1,5 * 1,5 * 1,5 * 1,5 * 1,5 * 1,5 * 1,5 * 1,5 * 1,5 = $5766.51

We have a winner. The new 25 day plan makes $633.49 more over 150 days.

So, all you need to do is determine your investing horizon, and go for it!

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